Quickstart guide

To run Alitheia Core do the following:

  • Download and install Java (ver >=1.6), Maven (version >=3) and MySQL (ver >=5.1) for your platform.
    • Ubuntu, Debian users: The version of Maven that comes with those two operating systems is known not to be very stable. We recommend downloading the newest version directly from the Maven website instead of using apt-get to install Maven. Also, make sure you choose the sun-jdk package instead of gcj or openjdk for your Java SDK.
  • Configure MySQL
    • a MySQL user account named alitheia and using this account create a database name alitheia. The account should have full privileges on the created database.

CREATE USER 'alitheia'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'alitheia';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON alitheia.* TO alitheia@'localhost';

    • Alitheia Core only works with the InnoDB storage engine. Although Hibernate within Alitheia Core is configured to use the InnoDB storage engine by default, in certain occasions this setting does not work by default. While we are investigating this problem, you can set the default-storage-engine equal to innodb in your MySQL configuration file (/etc/my.cnf, /etc/mysql/my.cnf or even ~/.my.cnf). This option is only required during the first Alitheia Core run; you can safely remove it from your configuration file when you make sure that Alitheia Core works OK.
    • Finally, the transaction_isolation option needs to be set equal to READ-COMMITTED in the MySQL configuration file.

#MySQL configuration changes

  • Checkout the code from the Git and build it.
  • Type mvn pax:provision to start Alitheia Core. If you have chosen default values for passwords etc it should work straight away. The most common cause of errors are open firewalls or MySQL not listenting to port 3306 (or not listening to TCP/IP) at all.
  • Fire up a browser and point it to http://localhost:8080
  • Choose a couple of plug-ins
  • Import a project. You can download example projects configured in the Alitheia Core prefered directory layout from here.
  • See various database tables (PROJECT_FILE, PROJECT_VERSION, PROJECT_FILE_MEASUREMENT etc) being filled in with lots of data!

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