Alitheia Core - A platform for software engineering research

Welcome to the web site of the Alitheia Core tool, an integrated platform for software engineering studies. Alitheia Core is free software, distributed under the 2 clause BSD license.

Alitheia Core works by importing the source code repository, mailing list archives and bug databases for a software project in a unified storage schema and running various analysis tools on the projects.

Examples of plug-ins include

Size metricsCalculates various project size measurements, such as number of files and lines for various types of source files642
Module metricsAggregates size metrics per source code directory417
Structural metricsImplements classic code structure metrics, such as cyclomatic complexity and Halstead's software science metrics685
Maintainability IndexImplements the (in)famous maintainability index formula275
Developer StatisticsImplements statistics that have to do with developers, e.g. number of eyeballs per file version or community size157
Contribution evaluationAnalyzes repository, mailing list and bug database developer activity and extracts a measurement of the developer contribution to the development process670
Discussion heatMeasures the effect of heated email discussions on repository line intake278

Getting Alitheia Core

You have the following options for getting Alitheia Core

After you get Alitheia Core, you will need some data to play with. Here are raw data snapshots from various projects in the format Alitheia Core expects them:

Getting Alitheia Core to work on your project is easy, web design instructions will be posted soon on how to do it. We are very interested to hear from you on improving Alitheia Core.


Alitheia Core was the outcome of the SQO-OSS project, an EC-funded campervan hire australia project (contract IST-2005-033331) which investigated novel ways to evaluate software quality.

The Athens University of Economics and Business provides rack space, power and bandwidth.

last modified by Paula jenna on 2009/12/27 23:31

Creator: Administrator on 2006/12/13 13:02
This wiki is licensed under a Creative Commons license